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Salesforce integrations
Salesforce integrations
We offer multiple ways of integrating Mobile Connect, the mobile app for Amazon Connect, with Salesforce in both directions. Please find below an overview of the integration possibilities. The first three Salesforce integrations are free of charge and included in the Mobile Connect pay-as-you-go subscription via AWS Marketplace. The fourth integration, call logging, requires a one-off installation fee.
In case you would have any further questions, please contact us via mc.notifications@idealsystems.be.
1) Salesforce SSO
During the setup of Mobile Connect, you can set Salesforce as your Identity management provider. When users within your organisation want to login to Mobile Connect, they will be redirected to the Salesforce login for identification. If you have any questions regarding the Salesforce SSO setup, please contact us via mc.notifications@idealsystems.be.
2) CRM popup
Mobile Connect for Amazon Connect -> Salesforce app
The CRM popup button is a custom button that is activated in Mobile Connect and that appears for every interaction. When clicking this button during an interaction, the Salesforce app with the relevant customer will open automatically and will allow you to quickly access the customer data.
This features can easily be configured via the admin console under "Config > CRM". Please note that the button will only appear in case the dynamic data attribute is assigned in the respective Amazon Connect flow. More information can be found via the tooltips in the admin console.
In case your organisation is Salesforce SSO enabled, you can find this setting under "Salesforce > SF_button".
3) Click-to-dial
Salesforce app -> Mobile Connect for Amazon Connect
The click to dial button is a custom Salesforce package that can be installed on your Salesforce organisation. The package adds a button to your Salesforce UI named "Mobile Connect". When a user is viewing contact information in the Salesforce app, the custom button will provide the salesforce user the option to dial out via Mobile Connect for Amazon Connect.
Please reach out to mc.notifications@idealsystems.be to receive the Salesforce installation package and installation details to configure this within your Salesforce app.
4) Interaction logging
Mobile Connect for Amazon Connect -> Salesforce activities
We provide the possibility to log all interactions occurring in Mobile Connect to Salesforce. This way, all interaction data is stored in Salesforce and linked to the correct object. To do this, a custom data field mapping is required.
This integration requires some additional professional services and is offered for a one-off fee fof $4.750. Please contact us via mc.notifications@idealsystems.be in case you would like to set up interaction logging to Salesforce.